Welcome to the website of Cumberland Youth Camp. We are glad you are here, and want you to know the rules of using this website.
The information and other items you find here belong to Cumberland Youth Camp. “Thou shalt not steal.” Some of the things we use may belong to other people (like a Facebook graphic), but we have their permission to use them. You will have to get their permission just like we did.
If you contact us through this website, we assume you are are comfortable with emails, and prefer that we communicate with you electronically. When we send you a response electronically, it counts just as if we did it on paper. We won’t sell your contact info, but we would love for you to send people to our website.
We are glad for you to use this website to learn more about us, but you can’t gather, collect, or sell the info you get. If you are a customer or supporter, we want you here. If you are a thief or a robot up to no good, you will have to leave.
If you set up an account with us through this website (including our online registration service), you are responsible to protect your log-in information. If you use a credit or debit card on our website, you attest that you are at least 18 years old.
For camp registrations, the $50 deposit is non-refundable and non-transferable. If you have paid more than that, we will refund the balance if you notify us at least one week before the start of your week of camp.
We will change this website and Conditions of Use statement from time to time. It is your responsibility to check for these changes. If some part of this document is found to be unenforceable, the rest of the document is still in force.
Cumberland Youth Camp
2193 Happy Hills Acres Rd
Woodlawn, TN 37191
For each visitor to our Web page, our Web server automatically recognizes no information regarding the domain or e-mail address. We may collect information volunteered by the consumer, such as survey information and/or site registrations. With respect to cookies: We may use cookies to record session information, such as items that consumers add to their shopping cart. With respect to Ad Servers: We do not partner with or have special relationships with any ad server companies.
If something changes about the way we use your info, we will post that change here in this document, as well as putting a special notice on our website.
When you donate or buy something from us, we send you to a secure server. The companies we have contracted for this service store all your info so we don’t have to.
If you feel that this site is not following its stated formation policy, you may contact us at the above addresses or phone number.
Last updated: March 2, 2017